Dr. Max Greig

Dr. Max Greig - Orthopedic Surgery

Puerto Vallarta & Riviera Nayarit

More than 25 Years Experience


Contact Dr. Max Greig


Dr. Max Greig

In addition to completing school and orthopedic surgical training in Guadalajara, Mexico, Dr. Greig concluded a rotation and specialized training in Muenster, Germany as well as a rotation in Edinburg, Texas. 

Among his many civic duties Dr. Greig finds time to donate surgical services to crippled children at a Puerto Vallarta orphanage and he recently completed his term as Medical Director to Puerto Vallarta’s first medical school
Born in Mexico to North American Parents, Dr. Greig maintains a close relationship to the Mexican population and to both U.S. and Canadian expatriate communities in Puerto Vallarta.

The U.S. Consulate General has recognized him on several occasions for his assistance to tourists and expatriates.

Academy & Associations

Why North American PatienTs

Prefer Puerto Vallarta for Medical Assistance?


Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit in Banderas Bay, Mexico are one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with more visitors every year looking for a beautiful city to get medical treatments, save money and be attend for most experienced doctors in Mexico.


You will find experience medical specialists and highly qualified hospitals that offer tourists seeking medical attention, world-class care and service, with state-of-the-art medical infrastructure and technology, to offer diagnosis, intervention, rehabilitation and recovery.


Reasons why

Orthopedic Specialist

Hip - Knee - Spine & Shoulder

Who Should Consider A Rotator Cuff Surgery?


Surgery should be strongly considered in the situation when sudden weakness follows a shoulder injury and when an examination and ultrasound or MRI shows a rotator cuff tear with reasonable remaining tissue for a repair.

Candidates for Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Recommendations for surgery are based on a patient’s pain and disability, not age. Most patients who undergo total hip replacement are age 50 to 80, but orthopaedic surgeons evaluate patients individually.
Total hip replacements have been performed successfully at all ages, from the young teenager with juvenile arthritis to the elderly patient with degenerative arthritis.

Conservative Treatments & Surgical Procedures for all type of Spine Disorders

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS)
This type of surgery uses smaller incisions than standard surgery.


This often causes less harm to nearby muscles and other tissues. It can lead to less pain and faster recovery after surgery.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

The ACL is one of the most commonly injured ligaments of the knee.Approximately half of ACL injuries occur along with damage to the meniscus, articular cartilage, or other ligaments.

Injured ligaments are considered sprains and are graded on a severity scale.

TKR Total Knee Replacement

There are no absolute age or weight restrictions for total knee replacement surgery.
Recommendations for surgery are based on a patient’s pain and disability, not age.
Most patients who undergo total knee replacement are age 50 to 80, but orthopaedic surgeons evaluate patients individually.

Total knee replacements have been performed successfully at all ages, from the young teenager with juvenile arthritis to the elderly patient with degenerative arthritis.


“I was immediately impressed with Dr. Max Greig, my surgeon in PV, Mexico. His training in Guadalajara as well as Germany and his dual citizenship with the US and Mexico all relieved me of all pre-surgery anxiety.”
Ruth. R.
Arizona US
Total Hip Replacement “The hospital was spotless, the staff was professional and very helpful and don’t worry, English is spoken by many. My surgery went without a hitch… Dr. Max and his professional and caring staff made my hip surgery the best decision I could have ever made…”
John R
“…Buenos Dias Dr. Max, It has been 9 months since you performed surgery on my right shoulder for supraspinatus tendon tear and removal of spur. I am very happy to tell you what a difference the surgery made to my lifestyle. Since the surgery I have been able to sleep through the night. This was a big bonus as I lacked sleep for many years prior to seeing you. Also I am able to do many house chores and have started using weights to build my muscles. In addition, I have been walking without pain ever since you injected the cocktail into my ichmus tendon. I am also using weights to increase strength and muscle tone to my legs. I can only speak of you in the highest regard for helping me get my life back. You are very dear to my heart and I am very grateful for all you have done for me. Hopefully we will meet again soon. Big hugs to you,…”
Niclk K
Alberta Can
Rotator Cuff “Dr.Greig was exactly what I hoped for, a trilingual Mexican native of Canadian and German decent. Doc laid out the game-plan, examined my shoulder for ideas. and took my MRI CD for homework.”
Phill H
“I have had two total knees with Dr. Max and cannot sign his praises loudly enough. My experiences in the hospital where without a glitch, I loved my nurses and recovered 100%.”
Jan Rowen
As a nurse who provided aftercare for one of his patients, I can say the surgical site was beautiful! I've seen his OR and completely impressed with the care delivered.
Melissa Leech Kimble
Texas US

Contact Dr. Max Greig - Orthopedic Doctor

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